Lgem's Pilot photobioreactor systems
The strength of our Pilot series is that collected data is extrapolatable to the larger production systems. Extrapolation is possible because we use the same operational conditions in all our designs. The length of the tubular loop and residence and mixing times in our Pilot systems are identical to our larger production systems. In addition, mass transfer behaviour and tube diameter are the same.
“Microalgae are a promising source for proteins and carbohydrates for the food and feed industry”
Pilot series
Specifically designed for pilot-scale projects
The use of Lgem’s Pilot PBRs can be outdoors or indoors. LEDs are optional for use in greenhouses, climate rooms or warehouses.
Our Pilot series range from 550 to 6600 litres. Most models are skid-based. The larger models require on-site installation.

The PILOT photobioreactors
The strength of our Pilot series is that collected data is extrapolatable to the larger production systems. Extrapolation is possible because we use the same operational conditions in all our designs. The length of the tubular loop and residence and mixing times in our Pilot systems are identical to our larger production systems. In addition, mass transfer behaviour and tube diameter are the same.
Successfully growing algae for