Lgem's Entos photobioreactor systems
The indoors Entos series produce the highest quality biomass and are the most productive systems we have to offer!
Compact design specialised for indoor use sets them apart from the Helios series. Entos’ intelligent measurement and control over temperature, light and the overall process ensure premium-quality algae at high productivity.
“Microalgae are a promising source for proteins and carbohydrates for the food and feed industry”
Entos series
Designed explicitly for fully controlled, indoor industrial production
Entos is part of an industrial production series that, combined with artificial illumination, delivers constant yield and quality.
The Entos series comes in two volumes, 24m3 and 45m3, and has a wide range of optional sensors for industry 4.0 applications.
With Entos your production process becomes predictable.
The combination of temperature control and light control help unlock the full biological potential of your algae species.

The ENTOS photobioreactors
The indoors Entos series produce the highest quality biomass
and are the most productive systems we have to offer!
Compact design specialised for indoor use sets them apart from
the Helios series. Entos’ intelligent measurement and control over temperature, light and the overall process ensure premium-quality algae at high productivity.
Successfully growing algae for